Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sanoviv - Delivers Hope When Most Doctor's Can't

The current issue of the USANA magazine, Vol 1 2011, has in-depth group of articles about Sanoviv.  If you are a USANA associate, use the magazine as a prospecting tool.  Show people the science behind USANA.

Click here to see the entire USANA magazine on-line.  It is large, 11MB, so it will take a minute to download the PDF file.

Here's my article.

If you are not a USANA associate, but would like to learn more about Sanoviv or USANA, please email me.

If you are looking to go to Sanoviv, and a Sanoviv patient has not referred you, please use my referral code, GB100579.  The code will create a $100 credit for your stay.

Check out Sanoviv's improved website.

Take charge of your health!

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